5 Latest Free LinkedIn Post Schedulers to Grow Your Business

As a business professional, you know that LinkedIn is a powerful platform to build your personal brand, connect with other professionals in your industry, and generate leads. But with a hectic work schedule, it can be hard to find the time to stay active on LinkedIn.

Luckily, there are a number of great LinkedIn post scheduler tools that can help you save time and stay active on the platform. In this blog post, we will recommend 5 of the best LinkedIn post scheduler tools recommended by experts. We will also provide a brief introduction to each tool and explain what makes it stand out.

What are the benefits of using a LinkedIn post scheduler? 

Using a LinkedIn post scheduler has a variety of benefits.

First of all, it helps you plan and schedule posts in advance. This allows you to create and curate content on a regular basis, while also freeing up more time to focus on other tasks.

Secondly, post schedulers offer analytics to show you how well your posts are performing. This can help you track the engagements generated by your posts and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Lastly, schedulers provide you with key insights into your audience. This can help you identify your target audience and tailor your content to their needs.

What are some of the top LinkedIn post scheduler tools recommended by experts?

Experts have recommended a wide range of LinkedIn post scheduler tools.

Here are the top 5 recommended ones:

1. Simplified – This widely-used scheduler tool focuses on helping manage LinkedIn profiles and post content. It provides an extensive range of insights and analytics so you can optimize your content strategy and monitor your LinkedIn engagement.

2. Hootsuite – Hootsuite is a powerful tool that allows you to automatically post on several networks, including LinkedIn. It also provides comprehensive analytics to track the performance of your content.

3. Later – Later helps you schedule content across all platforms, including LinkedIn, quickly and easily. It includes insights and analytics to monitor engagement and track the success of your content.

4. Sprout Social – Sprout Social is an affordable and user-friendly tool for managing all your LinkedIn content in one place. It helps you post to multiple platforms, track the success of your content, and measure the impact of your work.

5. Buffer– Buffer is an all-in-one solution for streamlining your LinkedIn content strategies. Affordable and user-friendly, Buffer allows you to post across multiple platforms, track the performance of your content, and measure return on investment. Whatever your goals may be, Buffer can help you get there quickly and efficiently - give it a try!

How can you choose the best LinkedIn post scheduler tool for your business? 

Choosing the best LinkedIn post scheduler tool for your business is a matter of understanding your needs. Consider the following when making your choice:

1. Automation – Look for a tool that helps you automate your post scheduling and simplifies the process of tracking and responding to comments.

2. Engagement – Choose a tool that allows you to measure engagement with your posts so you can see what content resonates with your target audience.

3. Integration – Select a tool that integrates seamlessly with other social media platforms and allows you to schedule content across multiple networks.

4. Cost – When selecting a tool, consider the price and look for one with a pricing structure that fits your budget.

5. Design – Choose a tool that is easy to use and supports rich media content such as images and videos.

Ultimately, your choice of a LinkedIn post scheduler tool should depend on your individual needs and budget. Doing your research is key to finding the tool that is right for you.


LinkedIn is a powerful platform that can be leveraged to reach your target audience and build relationships with potential customers. To maximize your efforts and make sure you are achieving the best results, it’s important to take advantage of the right tools. Having the right post scheduler tool in place is essential to make sure your posts are optimized for maximum exposure and engagement. 

Choosing the best LinkedIn post scheduler tools involves understanding your needs and choosing the option that is the best fit for your business. There are many options to consider so make sure you invest time in researching the various tools and select one that fits your individual needs. With the right post scheduler tool in place, you can easily schedule, monitor, and manage your posts for maximum engagement and exposure.